Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Grimoire Card Codes

       Welcome to another blog. Today I will just be posting Grimoire Card codes. You can type in the codes at:
Here are the codes:
Emblem: Illusion of Light - JD7-4CM-HJG
Emblem: Lone Focus, Jagged Edge - 7CP-94V-LFP
Emblem: Field of Light - JNX-DMH-XLA
Emblem: Ab Aeterno - JDT-NLC-JKM
Emblem: Binding Focus - FJ9-LAM-67F
Emblem: Sign of the Finite - 7F9-767-F74
Shader: Double Banshee - 7MM-VPD-MHP
Shader: Oracle 99 - RXC-9XJ-4MH
Destiny Collector's Card #1: Class: Warlock (Grimoire Card): YKA-RJG-MH9
Destiny Collector's Card #2: Class: Titan (Grimoire Card): 3DA-P4X-F6A
Destiny Collector's Card #3: Class: Hunter (Grimoire Card): MVD-4N3-NKH
Destiny Collector's Card #4: Fallen: Riksis, Devil Archon (Grimoire Card): TCN-HCD-TGY
Destiny Collector's Card #5: Destination: Cosmodrome (Grimoire Card): HDX-ALM-V4K
Destiny Collector's Card #6: Enemy: Hive (Grimoire Card): 473-MXR-3X9
Destiny Collector's Card #7: Destination: The Ocean Of Storms, Moon (Grimoire Card): JMR-LFN-4A3
Destiny Collector's Card #9: Destination: The Tower (Grimoire Card): 69P-KRM-JJA
Destiny Collector's Card #8: Exotic: Gjallarhorn (Grimoire Card): HC3-H44-DKC
Destiny Collector's Card #10: Exotic: The Last Word (Grimoire Card): 69P-VCH-337
Destiny Collector's Card #11: Hive: Ogre (Grimoire Card): 69R-CKD-X7L
Destiny Collector's Card #12: Destination: Valley of Kings, Mars (Grimoire Card): 69R-DDD-FCP
Destiny Collector's Card #13: Enemy: The Fallen (Grimoire Card): 69R-F99-AXG
Destiny Collector's Card #14: Exotic: Red Death (Grimoire Card): 69R-VL7-J6A
Destiny Collector's Card #15: Enemy: Cabal (Grimoire Card): 69X-DJN-74V
Destiny Collector's Card #16: Destination: Shattered Coast, Venus (Grimoire Card): 6A7-7NP-3X7
Destiny Collector's Card #17: Vex: Minotaur (Grimoire Card): 6A9-DTG-YGN

Monday, September 22, 2014

About me and the future of this blog

      Hello and welcome to my first blog. Throughout this year and the following ones I will be posting content that may be helpful to you, the Guardians of the last city on Earth.
      My name is Francisco Nuñez and I am from California. I have three siblings which I hate and love at the same time. My favorite things are basketball, nachos, blue, wolves and last but not least, playing Destiny. I was born July 20 of 2000. 
     Like I said before, on this blog I will be posting some helpful content. I will be answering common questions, posting grimoire card codes and "how to's". I will be posting every Wednesday and Sunday. If you have any questions please comment them and recommend this blog to your friends. Thank you and have a great week.